Here's a little tapey-poo from a band doing currently unfashionable things. In fact, this foursome would probably balk at being publicized in such a manner. They've quietly amassed a discography that spans 17 songs in 14 minutes, and this tape collects it all in one place for you. Ex-I Object, political thrashy hardcore. Their enthusiasm for their craft is palpable, and their earnestness impossible to ignore. I recommend "Holy Shit" and "I Don't Fit In" as excellent starting points. Unfortunately, unlike the "No Hardcore" 7", this collection cuts out the opening skit of a drunk punk spanging for beer money.
Also, the bassist Casey has a flat-out brilliant, seizure-inducing public access television show - http://caseyandrobby.tripod.com/
Here is an mp3 of "Positive Noise" with the intro:
And here is the whole tape in 24 bit WAV files (one for each side). BEWARE: Its almost 200 megs, and you can't play it in most software other than probably iTunes, VLC, Songbird...but not most: